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Girl, 10, burned at tanning salon

"A 10-year-old girl has suffered burns over 70% of her body after spending 16 minutes on an unsupervised sun bed."

Category: Radiation


The space giant is coming

"The most distant cosmic explosion ever recorded would have made a fascinating target for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), according to scientists now building the successor to the Hubble Space Telescope."

Category: Space


Climate countdown: Half a trillion tonnes of carbon left to burn

"To avoid dangerous climate change of 2C, the world can only burn another half a trillion tonnes of carbon, climate change experts warn..." "...Myles Allen, a climate expert at Oxford University who led the new study, said:...

Category: Climate Change


'Safe' climate means 'no to coal'

"About three-quarters of the world's fossil fuel reserves must be left unused if society is to avoid dangerous climate change, scientists warn."


How 'smart fridges' could slash UK CO2 emissions and help renewables

"Instead of spikes in demand and coal-fired solutions, fridges and washing machines may soon be available that can regulate their own energy usage. Mark Anslow reports on a new generation of electrical appliances that 'listen'...

Displaying results 1256 to 1260 out of 2977